Product + Design + Design Leadership

Powering Down

Unplugging from the digital grind, our debut album “Powering Down” takes you on a melodic journey of the highs and lows of working in and with technology. We’ve harnessed some of the newest AI tools to accelerate our creative process — going from album idea to release in under 50 days.

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Powering Down

by The Layoffs

The Layoffs are live!
Our experiment using AI tools like Generative Pre-trained Transformer 3 to assist in creating lyrics and DALL-E 2 to generate album is out now on Apple Music, Amazon Music, Youtube Music, Tidal and almost anywhere you stream music.

This was the basic process: We asked ChatGPT to help us write lyrics based on topics that were top of mind at the time. Example 1: Write me a song about being fried by Elon Musk after his takeover of Twitter. The result in this example gave us lyrics for a song titled “SPACE KAREN” which, we thought was funny and clever, so we kept going.

We did this on weekends across San Francisco, Phoenix and Boston… for fun.